Creative professionals all need a digital portfolio. Why should it be any different for content writers?
Reasons to Create an Online Copywriting Portfolio
An online copywriting portfolio is a great tool to help you market yourself as a copywriting professional. Whether you work in content creation or copy writing, if you haven’t given a thought to creating an online portfolio yet, here’s why you should consider creating one.
To Become Competitive in the Working Market
If you have something to show, you have something with which to compete. A solid online portfolio could be crucial in helping a client choose your work rather than someone else’s.
To Advertise Yourself
The same way you might like to know more about certain companies before you purchase anything from them, potential clients might want to know more about you and your work before deciding to give you a call. Creating an online copywriting portfolio shows that you’re confident in your writing, which will certainly work in your favor.
It’s Easier to Share Than a Paper Portfolio
There’s no arguing this. An online portfolio is much easier to access than a paper one. It’s always available whenever you need it and it is much simpler to keep up to date. If a client liked your work once, they can always go back to your online portfolio later on and check what you’ve been up to, which could potentially help you land more jobs over time compared to the print version. Keep in mind that your online portfolio and your print portfolio should always match, so make sure you update both before sharing them with anyone.
Makes You Stand Out From the Rest
Having an online copywriting portfolio could give you an edge, as it will show that you’re a professional and will make you stand out from the inexperienced.
As a content writer or copywriter, your goal is to create great content to promote a brand. Now, it is your turn to apply your talent to market yourself as a professional. Give the online portfolio a try and watch how beneficial it can be as a self-marketing tool.