Improve Your Writing Speed Without Sacrificing Quality

Improving content writing speed without sacrificing quality

Content that’s written for a blog is supposed to be useful and easy to read. It’s supposed to seem effortless, yet content writers put a lot of work into it. The goal is to produce quality content and do it fast enough to keep momentum and volume going.

Speed Up Your Writing While Maintaining Quality

Writing good quality content and doing it fast can be tricky. There’s a lot of research and detail that goes into content writing, and that takes time. If you have a hard time creating content sometimes, it’s OK – you’re not alone.

Contently found that 41% of businesses struggle with creating enough content.


It would be so much easier to create more content if you could write faster, wouldn’t you agree? If you’re struggling with speed, you’ll love to know that there are actually things you can do to improve in that department. Here are a few tips:

Get Rid of Distractions

You’re focused on your writing, and then you hear your phone ring, you get a new email notification, you feel the urge to check your social media profiles, you suddenly feel hungry… Distractions are everywhere. Although you are never really going to get rid of all of them, you can do your best to knock some of them out of the way.

  • Find a quiet spot you can work at
  • Avoid music while writing or play music with no lyrics (classical, ambient noise, lounge) at low to moderate volume
  • Stay away from distracting websites. If your willpower is not so great, you can use plugins like Strict Workflow for Chrome that will allow you to block whatever sites you want for a designated period of time
  • Finish whatever you need to do during the day before you start writing

Write down new topic ideas and keep them handyWrite Down Your Ideas and Keep Them Handy

Coming up with good ideas for a post is not easy, so don’t let them slide when you get them. Save them on your phone if you get one while you’re away from your computer. You can also put together a file (Notepad, Excel, whatever you prefer) and use it as an idea tracker, or you could use tools like Trello to keep things organized.

Before You Start, Outline Your Post

Once you have a title, you can outline a post by writing out the subheadlines for which you’re planning to develop content. You can even include some additional ideas as bullet points. Doing this will help you have a clear idea of how you’ll approach each part of your post, and will also help you understand if you need other resources to round out the article.

No content writer should have to rush and end up sacrificing the quality of their work. Applying these simple tips in your daily writing routine will help you increase your productivity while still maintaining the quality of your content.