Marketing Tips for a Successful Business Reopening

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Using Marketing as a Tool to Support Your Business Reopening Efforts

The Covid-19 emergency, like any other pandemic, is unpredictable. We’ve experienced many ups and downs since this all began. Although the cases in Colorado remain elevated, there is a reopening plan in place, and businesses are slowly starting to open their doors to their customers again.

It will take some time before every business is back to operating as they usually did before Covid-19, but being well-prepared for this phase is more than worth it. Adjusting your marketing strategy is essential. Here are some marketing tips to help you during the reopening period.

Communicate Your Reopening Guidelines

Even though the lockdown measures are less strict these days, everyone should comply with specific guidelines. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has issued a list of best practices for businesses to follow to ensure worker and customer protection.

Share these precautionary measures with your customers. Post them on your website and share them on your social media accounts to ensure it reaches a large portion of your customers before they stop by for a visit. Also, make sure you print those guidelines and put them up in strategic places of your store or office —like the entrance, so they are available to everyone.

Be Consistent Across Your Business Pages

If you have an online presence, all your business pages must be up to date with the same information. If you’ve made changes to your office hours, location, or phone number recently, be sure to share them across the different channels, like your Google My Business —very important, your website, and all your social media profiles.

Your customers should have access to accurate information about your business when they look for you online. Any misleading or confusing information can cost you money.

Digital marketing

Announce Your Reopening

Digital marketing campaigns are an excellent way to let your customers know about your reopening. Resort to email marketing to break the news to your customers more directly, get creative with social media posts, or run a PPC campaign to draw more attention to your business.

Consider Organizing a Promotional Offer

Considering having a promotional offer when you reopen —maybe send a discount code by email, put certain products on sale, or have a “buy one, get one free” type of offer. Incentives can help you get more customers through the door.