Why Millennials Are a Great Asset to the Remote Work Revolution

Young man working remotely

How Millennials Contribute to the Remote Workforce 

The workforce has changed a lot in the last decades. It is very different from what baby boomers and older generations experienced when they first became workers. Millennials are a very different generation. “Different” might take a little getting used to for those from other generations, but embracing those differences is critical because they bring a lot to the table, and employers can benefit from having them on their teams. 

Millennials Have Promoted Remote Work

Would remote work be a reality today if millennials did not exist? We can’t know that for sure, but they have certainly contributed to it becoming a reality.

Back in the day, things were more customer-centric, and what made employers more attractive was their ability to provide excellent compensation packages and better job titles. Today’s employees are more focused on things like career development and work-life balance, which is why remote work has become an essential element when considering a job offer. In response to this new market need, businesses have slowly adopted more employee-centric strategies that allow them to be more competitive. That is one of the ways that millennials have impacted today’s workforce.

Millennials Are Tech-Savvy

Millennials are a generation that grew up on technology and are highly tech-influenced. They are also driven and solution-focused because they grew up in a fast-paced world, so they innately look for ways they can infuse that into their processes. This combination of factors makes this generation one that is continually looking for efficiencies —or ways to make things easier and quicker while saving money.

Woman working from home

Millennials Promote Personal and Professional Balance

We live in a culture that, for years, has been used to taking work home and working long hours. These practices tend to make work, the center of our lives and don’t leave much room for family and personal life. 

Compared to European countries such as Switzerland, the US has a lot of work to do in terms of work-life balance. However, millennials are advocates for remote work because it allows for better work-life balance. It pushes companies to embrace this work method and work towards establishing that culture and providing their teams with the tools they need to make remote work part of their everyday lives. Not only is this beneficial for employees, but employers can also see the positive impact of implementing these practices. 

Millennials Bring Innate Emotional Intelligence

Millennials are also highly emotionally intelligent individuals, which has encouraged businesses to spread those skills amongst the rest of their teams, helping them decrease stress, improve communication, and boost productivity.