Digital Marketing for Nonprofits

Tips for beginner content writers

Digital marketing done right could help your nonprofit organization reach its goals.

Grow Your Nonprofit with Strong Digital Marketing

Growing any business is hard, but a lot more work goes into building a successful nonprofit from the ground up. The reason? Resources, or lack thereof. Every organization needs money to move and nonprofits have the tough job of building something out very little. When those resources are needed for planning, sponsorship inquiries, promotions and marketing materials, very little is left for digital marketing.

At Impressions Agency, we understand the value of nonprofits and how hard it can be for them to grow, but with a little push in the right direction, you can be more effective in growing your network and promoting your services.

Strengthen Your Brand Through Social MediaSocial Media Marketing

Social media platforms provide a great opportunity for small to medium nonprofit organizations to reach out to their audience with minimal investment. All you need to do is create a profile on your favorite social network and with some patience and dedication, you build a following, engage with them, and generate supporters that are willing to contribute to your cause and share your message.

Use Relevant Hashtags

Since you’ll be posting content to social media, why not make it easy for users to track it? Using keywords as hashtags can be a great way to allow users to find you when searching for trending topics. That can help expand your network.

Customize Your Timeline Image

With the help of free editing and designing software, you can create a banner that you can post on social media to communicate your message and your services. This helps your promote your organization without having to spend money.

Email Marketing

This is another great way to reach a larger audience and grow your network. Create an email subscription database by adding an appealing subscription form to your website where your visitors can submit their information, and once you have that, you can share blog posts, upcoming events, and information about the organization.


These tips can help you improve the online presence for your nonprofit without consuming your funds. Digital marketing takes time and consistency but when handled properly, it can be a very effective way to expand your reach and bring more attention to your organization.