3 Reasons Why Landing Pages Matter

digital marketing

Landing Pages are Essential in Digital Marketing

  • Whether visitors reached your website through organic search results, a social media post or a paid ad, a landing page is more than just a page that people land on; it is the initial point of contact between your site and your visitors.

    There are various types of landing pages:

    • Advertising landing pages
    • Lead Generating landing pages
    • Click-through landing pages
    • Product/Service landing pages
young woman working on laptop

Product or service landing pages are the most common. Their purpose is to direct traffic to a page that has detailed information about a specific product or service. They are perfect to use in blog posts, social media posts, and even email marketing campaigns. The above are just some of the most commonly used types of landing pages, but that doesn’t limit all they can do. Landing pages can have numerous applications within a marketing campaign.

Make Good First Impressions

Most of your potential customer’s first contact with your brand will be through your website, and they will possibly get there thanks to organic search results. Creating landing pages that offer value to your visitors, and that clearly outline the next steps in the journey, are a great type of front door to your business.

Help Boost Search Traffic

Driving more organic traffic to your site via your landing pages is easy when they are correctly optimized, following SEO best practices and using targeted keywords. Of course, landing pages are living creatures that need fed updated content every so often to keep things fresh and exciting to your audience.

Get Right to the Point

Your site visitors are usually looking for specific information. Landing pages are an excellent means to communicate your brand’s core message clearly and concisely.

Increase Conversion Rates

Adding a form for your visitors to fill out once they land on your website makes the process of coming in contact with your business much more straightforward, which is likely to help generate leads and boost conversion rates.